Cyber Solutions
for Your Industry
Utilities, Manufacturing & Finance
Legacy IT/OT systems may be affected by limited security vulnerable to attacks via employee's remote working or enterprise applications unprotected when developed.
The MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise helps organizations evaluate their cyberposture against a comprehensive list of tactics used by the white paper.
Siemens Case Study
Zentera Empowers Siemens for Secure Access and Collaboration, Protecting Its Data and the case study.
Zentera Ambarella Case Study
Zentera Readies Ambarella for 100% Work From Home, in Days... read the case study.
Zero Trust
What are Zero Trust and SASE? Zero Trust and SASE share one thing in common: they are two of the hottest trends in cybersecurity. They are, however, independent concepts: Zero Trust is an approach to security based on trust factors, while SASE is an architecture that defines where security is implemented and enforced... read the white paper
Zero Trust strategy and SASE Architecture Paper
Organizational Change Drives the Need to Modernise Cyber Security
Cyber security attacks are not new; in fact, the first computer worm was unleashed in 1981. However, the increasing automation of tools and processes brought by Digital Transformation has made existing enterprises much more susceptible to cyber attacks than ever before... read the NCSC white paper.